To receive and consider the correspondence from tenants ICE Centre requesting that part of the parking adjacent to Langdale Hall is designated as seating with tables and chairs for their licensed events in order to set up an outside space.
The Committee considered a request from the tenants of Langdale Hall to allow the positioning of tables and chairs outside of the building. Clarification was given on the proposed location of the tables and chairs.
During discussion members considered access to the site and neighbouring properties, potential noise nuisance for nearby residents, licensing implications, health and safety, management of events if outside facilities were in place and support for the night-time economy.
Members, whilst sympathetic to the aims of the applicants, considered that further information in respect of a health and safety audit and event management plans was required before a decision could be made. In addition it was felt that if satisfactory information was received any agreement should be on a trial basis so the impact could be fully assessed.
It was proposed and agreed that the matter be delegated to the Town Clerk in conjunction with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee to make a decision subject to the information provided by the applicant.
1. That, the applicant be requested to provide a detailed health and safety audit and event management plan for consideration; and
2. That, the decision be delegated to the Town Clerk in conjunction with the Chair & Vice-Chair of the Committee.
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