Agenda item

21/02210/FUL - Witan Park, Witney

To consider the report of the Democratic & Legal Services Officer.


The Committee considered the report of the Democratic & Legal Services Officer regarding additional information received in respect of Application 21/02210/FUL.




That Witney Town Council maintain the objection to this application and in addition to the previous response, add the following;


The Transport Design Technical Note fails to recognise that Avenue Two is not a dead end for pedestrians and cyclists. It is a public right of way and the main access point to the Lake & Country Park.


To ensure safe cycle and pedestrian access to the Country Park, Lake and ongoing footpaths and cycle routes, the vehicular movements within the site need to be redesigned to exploit and optimize entry and exit for HGV and customer vehicles to the section of Avenue Two that runs East to West, on the Northern boundary of the development site.



This map shows that a marked cycle route links Ducklington to the Southern end of Avenue Two and is marked again at the Northern end of Avenue Two. The North section is wider, with more robust infrastructure, making the presence of HGVs turning into the northern side of the application site more acceptable in relation to cycling and walking. It is wholly inappropriate to introduce HGVs to the narrow unmarked linking Southern stretch of Avenue Two that currently has only traffic for commerce and light industry, not HGVs. Planning priorities should be seeking to reduce motor vehicle traffic on that stretch and to enhance the active travel link.


The suggestion that parking restrictions be introduced to facilitate the HGV access penalises Witney residents who are currently able to park for access to the country park and lake. There is no alternative parking for such recreational use, particularly for residents of limited mobility.


Supporting documents: