Agenda item

Budget Parameters 2022/23, Capital & Special Revenue Projects 2022/23 and beyond

To receive and consider the report of the RFO.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer concerning Budget parameters for 2022/23.


Members were mindful that the Covid-19 pandemic had affected the finances of residents and organisations but had to balance that consideration with the need to  improve and potentially expand services. It was agreed that any increase for fees and charges should be linked to inflation and any Council Tax Levy increase should not be constrained at this point.




1.      That, the report be noted, and;

2.      That, the fees and charges of the Town Council for 2022/23 rise in line with inflation, and;

3.      That, the percentage increase to the Band D equivalent Council Tax Levy be considered once a draft budget has been produced.


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