To consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
Members considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk seeking requests for new salt bins in Witney. It was clarified that nay new bin would cost the Town council £250 and these would be filled once by Oxfordshire County Council with any topping up being done by the Town Council. It was noted that a budget of £1000 was allocated for the bins.
Members noted that the bins were provided for roads. It was suggested that a bin on Dark Lane would be beneficial, and this was agreed. The provision of bins along the path connecting Madley Park and Oxford Hill were highlighted as a possible site. It was suggested and agreed that Oxfordshire County Council be approached about providing these bins as part of the Active Travel route. If this was not possible then the remaining budget could be used to facilitate this.
1. That, a request for the provision of a new salt bin in Dark Lane be supported; and
2. That, Oxfordshire County Council be requested to provide three salt bins on the path linking Madley Park with Oxford Hill as part of the Active travel scheme; and
3. That, if the request above is not supported the remaining Town Council budget be used to provide the bins.
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