To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report and confidential appendix of the Deputy Town Clerk outlining the financial implications of the Council’s spending committees and other financial matters.
The Stronger Communities Committee had deferred a budgetary decision on funding for the 2022 Witney Carnival from the Rotary Club of Witney. Income and expenditure details from the 2019 Carnival were received but plans on the 2022 event were at an early stage so no further information on the potential outlay could currently be provided. The Committee was in agreement that the event should be supported by the Town Council but there had been an increased number of worthy claims on the Council’s grants fund this year which was likely to continue and the increased figure allocated from an underspend in 2020/21 was regrettably not sustainable in 2022.
Members noted a confidential debtor report and agreed the debts outlined in the report should be recovered.
1. That, the report be noted, and
2. That, the recommendations of the Council’s spending committees as detailed be approved, and
3. That, Witney Town Council budgets £2,100 towards the 2022 Witney Carnival and a grant application form be completed nearer the time to draw on these funds and,
4. That, the confidential debtor report be noted, and
5. That, the Council’s sports letting conditions be amended to offer clearer guidance on invoice queries.
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