To consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.
The Committee received the report of the Venue & Events Officer regarding usage and income from The Corn Exchange, Burwell Hall and 1863 Café bar. Members noted the increasing number of bookings as organisations returned to face to face events and the encouraging income levels from the café.
In response to a question it was clarified that the Town Council did not approach organisations and all groups had equitable access to bookings. If there was an issue regarding regular clashes then discussions would be instigated by the Venue & Events Officer.
The Deputy Town Clerk explained that an approach had been made for an event which was outside the allocated budget. The John Coghlan Quo had proposed using the Corn Exchange with the Town Council paying for the event and keeping the income from ticket sales. The Committee considered that it was not affordable at this time and the offer should be declined.
The Deputy Town Clerk advised members that the current pavement licence at the Corn Exchange would expire at the end of September and the renewal for a year would cost £100. Members supported making an application and that it should include longer hours than the current licence to allow greater flexibility in the future. It was noted that the hours would not necessarily be needed and decisions around longer opening hours of the venue was a separate decision.
1. That, the current usage and income from the Town Council venues be noted;
2. That, the John Coghlan Quo event is not supported as it is outside the current allocated budget; and
3. That, an application for a new Pavement Licence, with longer hours than currently, be made for the Corn Exchange.
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