To consider the report of the Town Clerk.
The committee considered the report of the Town Clerk providing an update to Members on the Committee’s work plan. The report also sought consideration of any future/additional projects to be put forward for the budget setting cycle.
Clarification was given that the defibrillators on council land were regularly inspected and maintained. It was further reported that the provision of a new defibrillator at Ducklington Lake was being progressed. Members were advised that agreement for the siting of a cycle repair stand near the Town Hall had been received from Oxfordshire County Council.
The committee were notified that permission from the Diocese of Oxford to undertake works to the pillbox on Langel Common had been received and an application could be made to Historic England for works to be carried out. However, there was no budget and the structure wasn’t in very good repair. During discussion it was suggested that any planting scheme would need to be carefully managed to avoid further damage to the structure. It was also considered that some sort of information plaque/barcode highlighting the structure could be put in place. Members favoured the second option.
It was agreed that the matter be discussed with Historic England and a project progressed from there based on the outcomes.
In respect of budget items, it was clarified that the Platinum Jubilee Working Party would establish proposed expenditure at its first meeting. A suggestion of providing books about sustainability to local schools was made and it was agreed that details would be provided to the Town Clerk for consideration.
1. That, options for the WW11 Pill Box Project be progressed with Historic England and delegated to the Town Clerk to approve; and
2. That, the provision of books on sustainability be considered as part of the budget setting process.
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