Agenda item

Football, Cricket, Bowls & Park Run Update

To consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer.


The Committee considered the report of the Operations & Estates Advisor updating on the current position of sports provision provided by Witney Town Council.


It was reported that a positive meeting had been held with the football clubs that hired pitches from the council. Members noted that some funding was available from the Football Association to a maximum of £25,000 and the clubs had been encouraged to apply if appropriate. A playing pitch strategy was being developed by West Oxfordshire District Council and when this was complete  a number of matters such as capacity to meet demand would need consideration. It was suggested and agreed that the relevant portfolio holder be invited to attend a future meeting.



An update was given on discussions with the District Council regarding possible transfer of facilities to the Town Council and the funding and governance issues that may arise. Members expressed their support for being able to offer facilities to a diverse range of users.


Consideration was given to recommendation in the report regarding drainage and irrigation.




1.       To approve Increasing verti-draining verti-quake alternate years to verti-quake annually at football pitch renovations within the new grounds contract specification currently being drawn up;


2.       To approve moving Witney Town Bowls irrigation controller from inside the club house to an external wall inside a secure cabinet on that wall; and


3.       That the relevant portfolio holder at West Oxfordshire District Council be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss pitch issues.


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