To consider a request for the provision of a lido facility in Witney.
The Committee gave consideration to a request for the provision of an open-air lido facility in Witney.
Members indicated their support for exploring the feasibility of a facility being provided in the town. It was noted that leisure facilities and strategy fell within the remit of West Oxfordshire District Council and discussions with relevant officers at the district council could be undertaken.
Discussion ensued around funding issues and whether developer funding could be accessed and also whether grants could be available from sporting bodies or legacy funding from the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
The Council emphasised the need for education of residents about the dangers of open water swimming and that there should be an ambition that every child in Witney was able to swim.
1. That the feasibility of an open-air lido facility in Witney be scoped in conjunction with partner organisations;
2. That the council supports the provision of an education programme on safety issues associated with open water areas and supports the ambition that all children in Witney should be able to swim.
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