Agenda item

Oxfordshire County Council Planning Applications MW.0081/21 and MW.0083/21

To receive and consider two Oxfordshire County Council planning applications by Ubico Ltd; MW.0081/21 and MW.0083/21 at Units F&G, Supergas Industrial Estate, Minster Lovell, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 0SY.


MW.0081/21 Section 73 Application

Section 73 application to continue development (change of use of parking/ industrial area to a recycling/ distribution area for paper, kitchen waste, glass, plastics, cans and cardboard including the sorting and baling of plastics, cans and cardboard. The construction of open bays for recyclables, three sided, open fronted structure to house baler and roof structure for kitchen waste. Erection of lighting columns. The erection of two portable buildings and one modular building to be used as offices, toilets and welfare facilities. Provision of parking for staff and visitors’ vehicles and refuse recycling vehicles), permitted under 10/1451/P/CM (MW.0125/10), without complying with conditions 1, 12, 13 and 15 to allow for a revised layout, elevations, external materials and lighting design scheme to the approved.


MW.0083/21 Planning Application

Proposed re-positioning of offices, cycle/motorcycle and car parking, lorry parking, lighting and ancillary accommodation. Use of existing building for vehicle repairs and/or storage, including minor enlargement to vehicle bay door. Installation of CCTV cameras.


The Committee received and considered two planning applications received from Oxfordshire County Council.




That the comments, as below, be forwarded to Oxfordshire County Council;


Witney Town Council have no objections to these applications and support all efforts to continue excellent recycling in West Oxfordshire.


Supporting documents: