To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
Members noted that the recommendations from other committees would be funded within the current fiscal year, apart from where stated.
In respect of a traffic calming scheme at The Leys it was reported that Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) had confirmed that funding of £20k was available for the scheme leaving a contribution of £5k from the Town Council. Members agreed to support the implementation of a scheme and that local residents be informally consulted ahead of any statutory consultation by OCC.
The committee noted the additional expenditure, of £3080, for retractable seating at the Corn Exchange as agreed by the Town Clerk under delegated powers.
The committee considered the annual contribution of £10k for CCTV provision in the town. The Town Clerk updated Members on the current situation and it was noted that new CCTV provision was being considered by the District Council. Members welcomed the opportunity to scrutinise the payment and raised concern regarding the lack of data available and the cessation of the CCTV management group.
After discussion it was agreed that a letter be sent to West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) seeking further information about the current position with the scheme and requesting data on the use of the system with a further report being presented to members.
The committee noted the renewal of the gas & electricity contracts and insurance cover. In addition an update regarding the bank mandate and employment of an independent stock taker for the bar operations was received.
The committee considered a confidential report regarding a debt owed to the council. The committee received correspondence from the debtor and considered options outlined in the report. After discussion it was agreed the debtor be advised that the council does not accept the invoice submitted and requests full payment of outstanding monies as per the proposed repayment plan.
The Town Clerk provided a confidential verbal update regarding a request from a tenant of the council seeking a reduction in rent on a recently agreed contract. The committee considered the request and recommended that no change to the contract be agreed.
1. That, the recommendations of the spending committees as detailed in the report be approved;
2. That, the design for The Leys Traffic Calming scheme and associated costs, as presented by Oxfordshire County Council be approved;
3. That, the additional funding for the retractable seating at the Corn Exchange, as agreed by the Town Clerk under delegations be noted;
4. That, a letter be sent to West Oxfordshire District Council seeking further information about the current position with the CCTV scheme and requesting data on the use of the system with a further report being presented to members;
5. That, the Gas & Electricity Contracts renewal be noted;
6. That, the 2022 Insurance renewal premium be noted;
7. That, the information regarding the Town Council Bank Mandate be noted;
8. That, the employment of an independent stock-taker for the Council’s Bar Operations be noted;
9. That, the debtor be advised that the council does not accept the invoice submitted and requests full payment of outstanding monies as per the proposed repayment plan; and
10. That, the request from a tenant for a reduction in rent be refused and the existing contract terms be retained.
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