To receive and consider a request to advertise the Loyal Free Business app on Town Council bus shelters. The Deputy Town Clerk will offer a verbal report on this item.
The Committee received a request from West Oxfordshire District Council seeking permission to advertise an App on bus stops in the town.
It was advised that the LoyalFree app was supporting local businesses by enabling
them to list offers or discounts on the deals section of the app for free and encourage residents and visitors back to high streets after national lockdowns.
Members expressed support for the proposal but subject to the District Council meeting the costs and the design, specification and locations being agreed with the Town Council. It was further agreed that the advertising should be for an initial six-month period.
That, the request from West Oxfordshire District Council be supported for a period of six months subject to the District Council meeting the costs and the design, specification and locations being agreed with the Town Council.
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