To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer
The Committee received an update report from the Communications and Community Engagement Officer updating on a number of issues.
Members gave support to a request for additional software that would help make the Council’s output more professional.
In respect of planting for 2022 it was agreed that the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee should be the theme. It was agreed that pastel colours such as those that the Queen is frequently dressed in or which represent plants from Royal Estates, for example pale lilacs, lime greens and yellows along with some silver plants to represent platinum should be used. Where possible, flowers should be insect friendly.
It was noted that the issue of roundabout planting referenced in the report would be picked up as part of the Open spaces Strategy. Members further expressed support for the ‘Love Your Parks’ campaign.
1. That, the procurement of additional IT communications software be approved;
2. That, the concept of a planting scheme for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee be supported with pastel coloured and silver plants being used and a more detailed planting scheme being presented at a future Stronger Communities Committee; and
3. That, Witney Town Council supports ‘Love Your Parks’ week which runs 26 July – 1 August
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