Agenda item

Windrush Cemetery - Memorial Gate Request

To receive and consider the report of the Cemetery, External Contracts & Compliance Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Cemetery, External Contracts & Compliance Officer regarding an application for a memorial gate at Windrush Cemetery.


Councillors indicated that whilst liking the design they were concerned that the gate could give the impression of the site being a memorial area for one person. Members suggested that a bench somewhere on Town Council land would be more appropriate.


Members suggested that elements of the design could be incorporated as part of the bench construction or on a plaque. It was noted that there was an existing policy for benches in cemeteries but no policy was in place for public space and would be part of the Open Spaces Strategy.


It was agreed that the provision of a bench should be supported subject to the requirements of the forthcoming policy on benches in public spaces.


Note: Councillor Thomas Ashby declared a personal non-prejudicial interest at this juncture as his family had an application for a bench pending. Councillor Ashby advised that he would not vote on the proposal.





1.       That, the application for a memorial gate is not supported;

2.       That, the applicant be advised that the Council gives ‘in principle, agreement for a memorial bench at Oxlease;

3.       That, a policy on memorial benches be created by Officers and brought back to the next meeting of this committee;

4.       That, Officers discuss what might be available with the applicant, the design of any bespoke bench being subject to the new policy for such installations


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