Agenda item

Tree Planting Requests

To receive and consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer concerning a tree planting request at Witney Lake & Country Park and by U3A.


With the permission of the Chair this item was moved up the agenda.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer concerning tree planting requests from U3A and a resident.


Members were sympathetic to both requests but agreed the Lake & Country Park was not suitable for the planting of trees; advice on this had previously been supplied by the Wychwood Project and was helping shape a land management plan for these areas.


The Committee was supportive on the creation of a tree planting policy and hoped appropriate locations would be included. There was agreement that further requests should be deferred until after the policy had been adopted, taking them into the 2022 planting season. There was definite scope for commemorative Covid-19 trees and members suggested this should be considered by a task and finish group established to discuss a potential memorial in the town.




1.      That, a policy be created to encompass all tree planting requests on Town Council owned land, to be referenced in the developing street furniture policy,


2.      That, the request for a tree to be planted at Witney Lake & Country Park be declined but that Officers explore any other potential locations as part of the tree planting policy,


3.      That, the request to plant a tree or trees by the U3A group be deferred until after the tree policy has been created, and


4.      That, U3A be invited to join the Covid-19 Commemoration task and finish group established by the Council.

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