Agenda item

West Witney Sports Ground - Request to Operate a Food Van

To receive and consider an application to operate a food van at West Witney Sports Ground.


The Committee received a request for the siting of a food van at West Witney Sports Ground.


The proposed hours of operation, siting of the vehicle and charges to be implemented were discussed.


The Committee expressed their ‘in principle’ support for the proposal subject to clarification of the siting and the agreement being for an initial six months to enable officers to monitor the van.




That, agreement in principle be given for The Snack Shack to run a food van on the West Witney Sports Ground, subject to the following:


1.       A fixed term period of six months for operating along with clear terms and conditions which will be reviewed and monitored by officers;

2.       Delegation be given to the Officers to agree the location of the stall; and

3.       Delegation to officers to handle all the legalities and charges associated.


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