Agenda item

R3.0079/21 - Request for Scoping Opinion for the proposed ‘Access to Witney’ scheme

To receive and consider a consultation document from Oxfordshire County Council.


The Committee received and considered a consultation document from Oxfordshire County Council regarding a scoping opinion for an Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed ‘Access to Witney’ scheme.


It was agreed that the document was comprehensive and the main topic areas identified in the report should be supported. However members were of the opinion that reference should be made to the impact on the existing Station Lane junction, that quantative data on air quality be included from the start of construction and that the views of South Leigh Parish Council regarding the extension of the radius for air quality monitoring be supported.




That, the Committee considers the document to be very comprehensive and supports the topics identified in the document in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment.


In addition the following observations be forwarded to Oxfordshire County Council for consideration:


1.       The impact on the existing Station Lane junction should be assessed, including using receptors if possible, as part of the process;

2.       The Council supports the view of South Leigh PC on the issue of Air Quality in that the proposed monitoring up to 200m from the centre of the works is too short a distance and ideally the Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) be extended to a minimum of 0.5km; and

3.       In respect of the AQM the Council feels that quantative data should be collected from the start of construction.

Supporting documents: