Agenda item

Burford Experimental Traffic 7.5 Tonne Regulation Order

To receive an interim monitoring report from Oxfordshire County Council of the traffic count data collected in April 2019 and February 2021 as part of the ongoing monitoring of this scheme.


The Committee received an interim monitoring report showing traffic data collected as part of the monitoring of the scheme.


Members noted the apparent impact on Witney of increased HGV movements with three of the four largest increases being in the town. It was suggested that, whilst understanding the concerns in Burford, there needed to be a countywide approach in accordance with the Local Transport Plan to ensure that HGV movements were equitably distributed.


Concern was raised regarding the cumulative impact on the existing Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) in Witney. It was noted that the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee had considered the matter earlier in the day and had supported the immediate removal of the ETRO. Members agreed that this would be beneficial.


It was noted that whilst the lorry size was smaller the number of HGV’s going through Burford had not actually reduced significantly. Discussion ensued regarding the exemptions for hauliers close to Burford and the advantage it gave them over other operators.


After further discussion it was:




1.       That, Council be recommended to give the support of Witney Town Council to WIVTAG;

2.      That, Oxfordshire County Council be recommended to remove the ETRO at the earliest opportunity and be encouraged to adhere to the Local Transport Plan to ensure the management of HGV movements on a county basis; and

3.      That, concerns be raised about the impact of additional HGV movements on the Air Quality Management Area and road safety in Bridge Street, Witney.


Supporting documents: