To receive the report of the Project Officer.
The Committee received the report of the Project Officer, including an exempt appendix, outlining options for the replacement of a bus shelter at the Burwell shops.
Consideration was given to the three designs including the proposed seating options. Members expressed a preference for Option 3 and in particular because it used a sedum roof but asked that the contractor be contacted to see if bench seating could be provided instead of the perch seats. The budgetary provision was also clarified.
It was resolved that, subject to clarification on the seating, delegation be given to officers in consultation with the Chair to approve Option 3.
That, delegation be given to officers, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, to approve option 3 as outlined in the report for the replacement of a bus shelter outside the Burwell shops subject to clarification as to whether bench seating can be provided.
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