To receive a verbal update on the Public Halls from the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Deputy Town Clerk gave a verbal update and reported that the bar had reopened at the Corn Exchange and, mainly due to the weather, takings had been variable. The Corn Exchange Working Party, at its forthcoming meeting, would be considering future staffing at the venue.
In addition, the Working Party would be looking at the next phase of the redevelopment and making recommendations to Council in due course.
It was reported that bookings at the council venues were gradually increasing but it was requested that delegation be given to allow officers to negotiate appropriate discounts to encourage bookings of the facilities, particularly bar driven functions. The Committee agreed to this and expressed their thanks to officers who had been involved in getting the venues operating again.
That, delegation be given to officers to negotiate discounts, as appropriate, to encourage bookings at The Corn Exchange and Burwell Hall over the next three months.