To receive a verbal report from the Town Clerk in respect of the Clubhouse compliance and if the West Witney Sports & Social Club have been able to re-open the facilities in line with the latest stage of the COVID roadmap as planned.
To also note that Consultants Knight Kavanagh and Page (KKP) have been appointed to undertake the feasibility study of the Sports Ground and assist with the master planning of new facilities.
The Town Clerk advised that officers had been working towards compliance by 17 May to allow public access. The Council had undertaken the works it had agreed to undertake. A meeting to check compliance of works undertaken by the sports and social club had also been arranged but was cancelled. When the meeting was held paperwork was not compliant and a list of works was provided to the club for them to undertake. At present the building was not compliant and therefore should not be opening to the public. Council Officers had sought to engage with the sports club committee on the issues.
The Committee expressed their concern at the situation and questioned what powers the council had to ensure the club did not open until compliance was achieved. The Town Clerk explained the role of the various authorities and action which would be taken. However, she pointed out that the Council’s insurance could be invalidated and this was being clarified the insurers. It was suggested that contact be made with the HSE.
In respect of the lease it was not possible to simply cancel it and a process was in place if the situation changed in the future. Concern was expressed that if there was an incident the Town Council could be held liable, particularly as the sports & social club had been premature in announcing the re-opening.
1.That, delegation be given to the Town Clerk to explore options with the HSE to see what action can be taken with regard to the building being compliant; and
2. To note that consultants Knight Kavanagh and Page (KKP) have been appointed to undertake the feasibility study of the Sports Ground and assist with the master planning of new facilities.