To receive and consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer, and make recommendations to full Council.
The report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer was received and considered.
In response to a question it was clarified that the generator unit ran on recycled cooking oil and not diesel and emissions were reduced and the doughnuts were cooked on a gas unit. During the daytime the generator was not required as it just powered the unit lights. It was confirmed that only cold drinks were sold from the unit and not tea and coffee. The type of unit was outlined.
Discussion ensued regarding the potential impact on the Coffee Shed and previous concerns about pressure selling from traders on The Leys. It was noted that the applicant had been positive in not selling hot drinks and it was not the role of the council to prevent competition. The possible location for the unit was discussed as there were concerns about those suggested. Clarification was given that the unit could be placed on the hardstanding near the entrance to The Leys. After further discussion it was agreed that delegation should be given to agree a location.
It was noted that the application was for Saturday and Sunday only and it would be sensible to limit additional traders to those days.
That, agreement in principle be given for Bakers Sweet to run a doughnut stall on the Leys Recreation Ground, subject to the following:
1.A fixed term period for operating along with clear terms and conditions which will be
reviewed and monitored by officers;
2. Delegation be given to the Officers to agree the location of the stall; and
3. Delegation to officers to handle all the legalities and charges associated.
Supporting documents: