Agenda item

Pavement License Application - 35 High Street, Witney

To receive and consider a Pavement License application for 35 High Street.


The Committee received and considered a pavement licence application for 35 High Street, Witney.


Members were concerned that the attached drawings did not accurately depict the street scene and encroachment of the seating area onto the paved area could work against social distancing. There was, however, agreement that the applicant had successfully operated an outdoor area in this vicinity during the last summer which seemed to have worked well. There was a further concern regarding the positioning of advertising boards, which were questionable as advertising barriers were already being erected.




1.      That Witney Town Council notes the Pavement Licence application; and,

2.      Has no objections to the application providing it is for the same set-up previously used by the applicant. If not, it would like to ask that;

3.      The seating area does not encroach on to the paved area. The drawing attached does not accurately depict the areas as the pavement narrows towards one end. The result of this encroachment would be a more constricted pedestrian area where social distancing will be much more difficult; and,

4.      The Town Council would like to ensure that the advertising boards are not located to the front of the barriers and have confirmation that the double doors in the attached picture, effectively blocked off by the seating are not emergency doors.


Supporting documents: