To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk concerning financial implications from the Council’s spending committees in the previous cycle.
Members were in agreement that additional funds should be allocated to the Corn Exchange refurbishment project to ensure the best possible outcome of the project.
The Committee also discussed the request for £4000 from the Witney Carnival Committee towards this year’s event, referred by the Stronger Communities Committee. Members were wholly supportive of the Carnival which would be a welcome relief for families this summer and an underspend in the discretionary grants budget for 2020-21 had been identified.
There were however still some concerns that the Council would risk losing funds should the lockdown roadmap vary, and the event be cancelled. The Carnival Committee had advised it would not enter into any contracts and would be willing to work with the Council to ensure there was minimal financial risk.
As there was another event also requesting funding it was agreed that the Carnival Committee be awarded 50% of its requested amount, totalling £2,000, this increasing to 65%, totalling £2,600 depending on the outcome of later grant applications. This seemed the fairest way of dispersing the underspend, superseding the original budgets for either event in 2021-22.
1. That the report be noted; and,
2. That the recommendations from the spending committees be approved and specifically the request for an additional £2000.00 from the Corn Exchange Working Party to cover professional fees for the phase two refurbishment be agreed; and,
3. That Witney Town Council agrees to cover at least 50% (£2000.00) of the grant request from the Witney Carnival towards this year’s event. This figure increased to £2,600 which was 65% following the dispersal of other grant requests later in the meeting; and,
4. That this be funded from an underspend of the discretionary grants budget 2020-21.
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