To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Advisor, accompanying inclusive access audit and quotes for work regarding pedestrian access at Tower Hill Cemetery.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations & Estates Advisor concerning pedestrian and vehicular access at Tower Hill Cemetery.
Members heard that a consultation on the proposed pedestrian access at the top end of the cemetery would be opening in the following week. Exclusive Right of Burial owners with graves in the vicinity would be written to before fliers were delivered to residents on Smith’s Estate the following week. There had been no response from the Diocese of Oxford as to whether permission would be needed to go through the wall but if these two items affirmed the project, it would be able to proceed quite quickly.
Members also received the external report on DDA compliance and access at the Cemetery. The report was welcomed by the committee and there were no urgent items. However, future changes would be required along with those pointed out in the Town Council’s risk assessment.
There was hope that the cemetery could be open for access every day of the year from 9am to 4pm, except Christmas Day which would provide a wider spread of visiting times. The bollard would remain for the time being, and booked out during the week, while any changes were adjusted to and because of concerns regarding the top loop arrangements.
It was recommended that vehicle access remained the same until the needs were costed, prioritised and sent to the Open Spaces Strategy for review.
1. That the report be noted: and,
2. That the vehicular access at Tower Hill remains as it is at present until the recommendations in the audit can be implemented; and,
3. That the recommendations of the audit are reviewed as part of the Open Spaces Strategy; and,
4. That Officers evaluate the requirements to budget and prioritise them ahead of the next meeting of this committee; and,
5. That Officers obtain quotes for these works.
6. That an underspend of the maintenance budget 4036/301 be rolled over towards these works in 2021/22.
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