To receive and consider a report from the Operations & Estates Advisor providing an update on trees within the Council’s estate.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations & Estates Advisor concerning Wychwood Project tree planting and required remedial work on trees at Pensclose and Cogges Hill Road.
Members heard that Wychwood Project had unfortunately not been able to complete their planting work so it would be finished in the next season. As such they had yet to draw down the budget of £500 awarded by the Council so this would be rolled over into the new financial year.
The Committee also discussed the remedial works suggested by the Landscape & Forestry Officer concerning trees T792 and T794. The Council’s tree consultants had advised a pull test should be carried out at the cost of £1,926 to investigate their viability and safety. The results may provide time for replacements to be planted before their inevitable felling and it was unknown what impact Ash die-back might have on these trees in the meantime.
1. That the report be noted; and,
2. That the suggested works to trees T792 and T794 be undertaken; and,
3. That replacement trees be planted this autumn in preparation for their future removal.
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