To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer concerning recent litter and dog waste bin requests.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Project Officer which concerned several new litter and dog bin requests across the town.
Members were sympathetic to the requests made by members of the public but were aware of the associated costs and the strain on the Council’s budgets now and in the future. The collection of waste was being considered as part of the Council’s Open Spaces Strategy so it was agreed these requests should be deferred until after its publication. The Committee was mindful that a policy would be required to ensure that any new bins were well situated and absolutely necessary in the area.
1. That the report be noted; and,
2. That the requests for new litter and dog waste bins be deferred until after the publication of the Town Council’s Open Spaces Strategy; and,
3. That a policy on the installation (and ongoing emptying) is created by Officers to inform residents and guide future requests.
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