To receive and consider the report of the Democratic Services Officer.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Democratic Services Officer concerning the Annual Town Meeting. With the country in lockdown and no definitive date for the lifting of restrictions members considered how to proceed. The Town Clerk confirmed that whilst last year guidance had been that the meeting did not have to be held, the Government had not set out any guidance for this year.
The Committee agreed that the planned date of 17 March was unrealistic for an in-person meeting and that it would be sensible to move the meeting as late as legally possible – the meeting had to be held by the end of May. The Committee would review exactly how the meeting would be held during the next cycle, in the hope of some clarity and Government guidance being issued.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and: -
1. that the scheduling of the Annual Town Meeting for 17 March 2021 is cancelled and this is advertised on social media;
2. that the Annual Town Meeting is provisionally scheduled for 26 May 2021 and that the Council consider the options for holding it during the next cycle of meetings.
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