To discuss communications in emergency situations in order to consider if the Council should have a policy document – if so the Town Clerk would suggest that this is referred to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee.
The Committee was asked by the Town Clerk to discuss communications in emergency situations in order to consider if the Council should have a policy document. The Communications Officers suggested a Community Resilience page on the website signposting the public to various agencies and services. Members discussed what it should cover - adverse weather, flooding / sandbags, pandemic, fire, accidents, medical needs such as power to equipment, map of defibrillator locations were suggestions. The Committee was advised that the District Council was preparing a response document on the recent flooding.
1. that the Communications Officer creates a Community Resilience page on the Town Council’s website to signpost residents to information and assistance in emergency situations;
2. that better relations are fostered between the Town and District Council in this respect;
3. that the Town Clerk drafts a policy document and emergency plan for presentation to a future Policy, Governance and Finance Committee for adoption;
4. that the Committee wishes to thank members past and present for their assistance during the Christmas flooding.