To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.
Recommendations had been received following a scheduled tree survey to fell two of the Council’s trees and replace them with two new ones. The Operations & Estates Officer advised the committee that felling of trees was understandably never popular with residents so discussion could take place with the local Conservation Officer and Arboriculture Consultants, to see if severe reductions could be made to the trees which would enable them to be retained for now . Replanting of new trees could be done in Autumn 2021 with the aim to allow them to establish before any felling would need to be carried out on the older trees. Any new trees would be planted where they would not pose a future subsidence problem.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted and that the Local Conservation Officer be asked for an opinion on what works could be carried out to trees without the need for felling and also for advice on suitable replacement trees should felling be required.
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