To receive and consider the report of the Democratic Services Officer and correspondence from Witney Mills Cricket Club and Volunteer Link Up.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Democratic Services Officer, along with
two grant applications; one from the Citizen’s Advice West Oxfordshire and a second from Oxford Play Association. Correspondence in thanks of previous grant awards from Witney Mills Cricket Club and Volunteer Link Up were also received.
There was some discussion on the application from the Citizens Advice
Bureau as it had applied for £1,000 but the Council had budgeted £2,000. Members agreed
to award the organisation the budgeted amount in recognition of the work done in the Covid
19 pandemic and the possibility that it would need to help those being made redundant and
those struggling this year. However, it should be made clear that although the grant is higher
than requested, there should be no expectation of a certain funding for the following year.
With regard to the application received from Oxford Play Association the Town Clerk pointed out that the Stronger Communities Committee had in fact agreed to roll over the budget from the current year as the play day couldn’t got ahead due to the pandemic.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and that:-
1. Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire be granted the sum of £2, 000; and this grant be awarded under Section 142(2a) of the Local Government Act 1972
2. that Oxford Play Association be granted the sum of £1, 000 [from the 2021/22 budget] for the Play Day scheduled for August; and this grant be awarded under the General Power of Competence.
Supporting documents: