Agenda item

Allotments Update

To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer, covering Newland, Hailey Road and Lakeside sites.  He advised the Committee that the composters had now arrived but he had been told by the new members of the Allotment Association that they were now not wanted.  He suggested they be installed at the new allotments at Windrush Place. 


Regarding Windrush Place, there had been a request for a composting toilet but the new members of the Allotment Association Committee had changed this to a fully plumbed toilet.  However, the main sewer was some distance away and the cost to connect to this or a cesspit/septic tank would be prohibitive.  Once this had been explained the Association Committee had agreed to a composting toilet.


Members also considered the provision of a 3 bay composting area but decided that it would be better to offer a composter to each individual plot at Windrush Place instead.


RECOMMENDED:             that the report be noted and that the Council offers to purchase an individual composter for each plot on Windrush Place.  The Committee would be updated on the Association’s response at the next meeting.


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