Agenda item

Financial Report - Revised Budget 2020/21 and Estimates 2021/22

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/RFO relating to the revised budget for 2020/21 and estimates for 2021/22


The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk/RFO.  There followed a lengthy discussion on what members would like to see included in the budget on terms of items connected with the climate emergency.


RECOMMENDED:             that the report be noted and: -


1.            that the budget for the Burwell Hall heating be increased from £15,000 already set aside to £30, 000 but using the £10, 000 budgeted for the patio and that an additional supplementary £5, 000 be included; 


2.            that this is be delegated to officers to look into the best option for the Burwell heating – including air/ground source heat pumps;


3.            that it is continued to set aside £5, 000 year on year towards upgrading the Council’s fleet of work vehicles to electric;


4.            that the Council increases its budget to £15, 000 towards unspecified climate emergency projects;


5.            that the Council continues to budget £10, 000 towards the Lake and Country park/Biodiversity;


6.            that the £1, 000 budgeted for the Eco/Green pop up event in 2021 be split between this event -£400 - and £600 for a thermal imaging camera.




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