To receive and consider the draft annual calendar of events for the lighting up of the Corn Exchange from the Office Manager. Members should consider any further dates the Council should include.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Office Manager. The Chair commented that LibFest would be purple in colour and that the building could still be lit up even if the event itself did not take place. She suggested that annual events should include International Women’s Day (8 March – green, purple and white), World Environment Day (5 June – green), and the NHS Birthday (5 June – blue).
There followed a discussion on what/how many events should be lit up and whether they needed to be included in the annual calendar.
RESOLVED: that the annual calendar for lighting up the Corn Exchange be delegated to the Leader, Mayor, Town Clerk and Office Manager to agree and that International Women’s Day (8 March), World Environment Day (5 June) and the NHS Birthday (5 July) be added to this.
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