To receive and consider the report of the Communications and Events Officer.
This item was moved up the agenda with the express permission of the Chair so that the member of the public present could hear the debate.
Members discussed the proposal for a summer celebration by Witney Music Festival and were generally in favour of the event. The Committee heard that the licensing of Market Square could be an issue, so it was suggested that the Music Festival contact the County and District Councils at the earliest opportunity before proceeding.
There was some concern on the estimated cost of the event and whether this could or should be covered, wholly or in part by the Town Council. There were other sources of funding which the organisers should explore and financial assistance from the Council should be referred for further debate to the Policy, Governance and Finance committee, on the receipt of a grant application form.
The Committee received an update on the Covid-19 Hero Awards and heard that 45 applications had been received. Some applications had been received with no contact details for the nominee, while some were for people with no link to Witney A roll call of Witney Hero awardees would be published on social media and the website and this may help with missing contact details. Members also agreed that heroes must have been from Witney or been heroic in Witney; letters of thanks should be issued in these cases encouraging those nominating to contact the person’s employer or local town or parish council.
An event to celebrate The NHS Social Care and Frontline Workers Day was proposed for 5 July 2021. National suggestions for the event had been received but there was some concern these appeared to be along the lines of Remembrance Day and therefore detached from the key workers the celebration was aimed at. A low-key event, possibly involving videos of local key workers was discussed, with agreement that the Town Council should light up the Corn Exchange and fly the associated flag on the day.
The Communications and Events Officer advised that there had been no further communication on the Carnival for 2021 since the last update, but she asked if members would like some sort of presence if it did go ahead. The Committee felt the Town Council should take part if Covid-19 restrictions were lifted enough for it to take place. There was currently no theme, but this was an issue that could be re-visited in coming months.
The Committee discussed the proposal for a “Zero Waste Roadshow”. Members agreed to invite the Youth Council and local eco-friendly organisations and companies such as Waste 0 and Witney Community Fridge to have stands. A budget of £1,000 had previously been agreed for this event but the Climate Biodiversity and Planning Committee had subsequently agreed £600 expenditure on a thermal imaging device to rent out to residents to look at the efficiency of their homes, so £400 remained specifically for the roadshow event.
Members discussed Car Free Day in September and the requirement for road closures. Market Square and High Street were already closed to vehicles and any road closures would involve a cost to the Council. There was an expectation that the Covid road closures would still be in place. The roads were not currently closed to buses but if car free was to be encouraged then bus use should be encouraged so it would be preferable not to close the roads to buses.
RECOMMENDED: that the public participation and report be noted and:
1. that the Council is generally in favour of a Music Festival community event and supports it in principle;
2. that the organisers complete a grant funding application to be completed and submitted to the Council for consideration by the Policy & Governance Committee on 22 March 2021;
3. that the organisers be flexible on the date of the event due to the pandemic as the event must be safe for the public;
4. that the organisers speak to the District Council regarding licensing and capacity, market licensing, and any restrictions;
5. that the organisers feedback to Town Council the responses from the District Council;
6. that the organisers look at what specific items the Town Council could pay for/sponsor as opposed to making a general donation towards the event;
7. that regarding Witney Covid Heroes, applications are only considered for Witney residents and those wishing to nominate people outside the parish be advised to contact the relevant Parish Clerk or nominee’s employer;
8. that the Council supports in principle the NHS Social Care and Frontline Workers Day on a small scale so as not to increase transmission of Covid-19 – this would include the lighting up of the Corn Exchange, a flag raising, and a piece on local radio. A video would be made of key workers;
9. that an NHS and Frontline Workers Flag be purchased at a cost of £139.41, the size to be determined by officers;
10. that if the Carnival goes ahead in 2021, the Council has a presence;
11. that a Zero Waste Roadshow be held on Zero Waste week (7 – 10 September 2021);
12. that a Car Free Day is held as per last year, but road closures not applied for subject to Covid-19 road closures still being in place;
13. that the Communications and Events Officer contacts the Windrush Bike Project and Cycling Without Age be invited to participate in car free day.
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