Agenda item

Public Transport Infrastructure Strategy

To receive and consider the report and accompanying draft Public Transport Infrastructure Strategy for Witney Town Council from the Office Manager.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Office Manager and the draft Public Transport Infrastructure Strategy. Members agreed that it should be adopted with some amendments.


The Office Manager explained that Oxfordshire County Council were trying to realign some of its designated section 106 developer funding to where it was most needed, if possible.  Therefore he was looking for agreement and input from Members with knowledge in their wards. 


RECOMMENDED:             that the report be noted and:


1.            that the strategy as presented be adopted with the following amendments and reallocations:    


·        that the allocation of funds for Curbridge Road be swopped to Windrush Place;


·        that the allocation for timetables be utilised for the Community Bus timetable cases;


·        that the bus stop on Woodstock Road be included.


Supporting documents: