Agenda item

Tower Hill Bus Stop Improvements

To receive and consider the report of the Office Manager and accompanying proposal from Oxfordshire County Council concerning bust stop improvements at Tower Hill, Witney.


The Committee received the report of the Office Manager, updating members on the Tower Hill bus stop improvements.  He advised that Oxfordshire County Council had verbally stated it could source additional funding above and beyond that which was allocated for this project, but written confirmation had not been received.  Members discussed how to progress this item and agreed that removing the RTI displays would reduce the cost and not be detrimental to the project as this route was not as well served as others in the centre.




RECOMMENDED:             that the report be noted and:


1.            that the Town Council agrees to the Tower Hill Bus Stop improvement proposal

submitted by Oxfordshire County Council, without the inclusion of the Real Time Bus Information, providing the additional funding can be sought from other developer funding;


2.            that the purchase of the bus shelter should be through a Town Council

             procurement process;


3.            that provision and installation of cycle racks be agreed and funded from the existing budgets/developer funding;


4.            that a provisional budget of £1,800 from the Bus Shelter maintenance budget 4035/402 be allocated and that the use of this budget to be delegated to the Town Clerk/Office Manager if deemed necessary to complete this project;


5.            that a consultation with residents who lived between Burford Road and Park Road on both sides of the hill to ascertain their thoughts on the bus stop.  This should be in the form of a letter with a freepost return envelope.


Supporting documents: