Agenda item

Community Support Initiative - Online Panto Gift

To consider supporting the “gift of the On Line Panto” – communication from Adrian Phillips attached, who will be in attendance to give a short explanation under public participation.


The Committee received and considered correspondence from Mr Phillips who had spoken under public participation.


There followed a discussion about how this might work and a member estimated that in order to give free access to the pantomime to all children in receipt of free school meals, the Council would be looking at funding for around 150/160 families.  The cost to the Council would be wholesale prices. 


Members felt it was a good idea whilst acknowledging that there were some financial issues that needed to be tidied up with the Town Clerk/RFO.




1.            to accept the proposal from Mr Phillips;


2.            that the Town Clerk/RFO discusses the financial issues in terms of not making a profit with Mr Phillips;


3.            that Cllr Duncan contacts all of the primary schools in the town to discuss the proposal with them.










Supporting documents: