Agenda item

Revised revenue budget 2020/21 and base revenue budget for 2021/22

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/RFO (TO FOLLOW) and the Draft Revised Revenue Budget for 2020/21 and Draft Budget for 2021/22 (ENCLOSED).



The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk on the revised revenue budget 2020/21 and base revenue budget for 2021/22.


The Town Clerk explained that this was the first attempt at the budget for the year but there were still several unknowns that was making it difficult to finalise a cohesive budget.  She had provided a comprehensive report detailing the budget lines this Committee were responsible for. 


A discussion took place on the budget allocated to Blue Plaques and for Alice Batt.  A Member provided an update on the progression of the Blue Plaque and members agreed to allocate £500 towards this, which was likely to come to fruition in 2022.


RECCOMENDED:              that the report be noted and:


1.            that the Council supports Alice Batt’s blue plaque with a donation of £500;


2.            that the Council confirms that it still wishes to support the following events by way of grant funding in 2021/22 financial year:

a.            Witney Carnival & Christmas Lights Switch-on Event 2021 – grant to Rotary

Club of Witney for £3,100;

b.           Witney Dementia Alliance – continue to support Witney in Blue with a grant of up to £1,000;

c.            Free Play Day for the Community on 5 August 2021 – in partnership with

               OPA by providing a grant of £1,000;


3.            that the Town Council agrees in principal that the revised base revenue budget for 2020/21 and the estimated base revenue budgets for 2021/22, as detailed in the draft estimates be approved – subject to any further adjustments necessary.







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