To receive a verbal report from the Chair following correspondence received from social media.
This item was moved up the agenda with the express permission of the Chair so that the member of the public had spoken about it under public participation could hear the debate.
Members discussed the issues that needed to be tackled if the pill box on Langel Common was to be planted up, the largest of these being that it was not on Town Council land but belonged to the Church. The Operations and Estates Officer advised that the Church would need to be contacted.
The Council might also need planning permission and listed building consent. Cllr Smith was happy to continue to pursue these issues. The Town Clerk asked that she copied in herself and the Operations and Estates Officer to theses communications to ensure that the process went through the correct channels.
A member suggested that this should be put onto the strategic plan.
As it was the 80th anniversary of a bomb being dropped on Church Green on Sunday, the Committee agreed that a social media post should be put out with possibly a video message from the Mayor.
1. that Officers are tasked with looking into planning issues and listed building consent;
2. that Cllr Smith continues to liaise with Historic England, and copies Officers into these communications;
3. that Officers look into planting schemes;
4. that this item is put onto the Strategic Plan;
5. that a social media post commemorating the bombing of Witney in WW2 is delegated to the Communications and Events Officer, the Chair and the Mayor.