Agenda item

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government - Consultation on Planning for the Future.

At the last meeting it was agreed to delagate a response for this consultation – minute 311 refers:-


The Committee received and considered the consultation from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government – Consultation on Planning for the Future.


RESOLVED:          that the consultation be noted and that it be delegated to officers, the Chair and Vice Chair to bring a response to the next meeting.


In the interim period the Chair and Vice Chair have agreed that the response submitted by WODC is suifficent and that the Town Council therefore does not need to submit a response.


This item had been deferred from the previous Climate, Biodiversity and Planning Committee as members were not sure what response should be made.  In the interim period between meetings, Cllr Aitman had shared the response made by the District Council to this consultation.  The Chair and Vice Chair had agreed that as this was a robust response, the Town Council did not need to make one of its own.


RESOLVED:          that the Committee does not wish to make a response to this consultation as the response given by the District Council was adequate.