Agenda item

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government - Changes to the Current Planning System

To receive and consider a consultation on changes to planning Policy and regulations.

 This can be accessed at :



The Committee received and considered the consultation from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government – Changes to the Current Planning System.


RESOLVED:  that the following response is made to question 8 iii) of the consultation:


Witney Town Council opposes this as these plans seem to take away control of the affordable housing mix from the local authority unless it can be ensured that their local plan ratios are expected and so rather than negotiation the presumption of permission should apply to plans which have taken the public housing mix from the local plan into full account.


For Question 9:


As few exemptions as possible should be written into housing law because affordable housing benefits a wide range of members of the public and there are more of those than the companies that the exemptions would benefit.

Supporting documents: