To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer regarding next year’s floral displays in the town, and the Town’s entry into the In-Bloom Competition.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer concerning next year’s floral planting.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and:
1. that hot, bright flowers be used again next year for the summer bedding;
2. that Witney’s summer bedding be dedicated to honouring the local volunteer groups and NHS for their work during the coronavirus pandemic;
3. that a banner be purchased for the raised bed and smaller notices be purchased for the planters in town;
4. that the Leys and Tower Hill Cemetery be entered into the In-Bloom competition 2021;
5. that the areas with impact planting on roundabouts be improved;
6. that the overgrown bed on Tower Hill be cleared and replanted.
Supporting documents: