To receive and consider a draft policy on the lighting up of the Corn Exchange to mark community and national campaigns/occasions from the Office Manager.
The Committee received and considered a draft policy on marking community and national campaigns via lighting up the Corn Exchange. This led to a discussion amongst members on timescales for lighting up and what might be appropriate if there was any concern over a request that was received.
The Town Clerk cautioned the committee that if the lighting up occurred too often then it would not be “special”. It was agreed that there should be a maximum number of times that the Corn exchange should be lit up during the year and that also an annual calendar needed to be drawn up.
RESOLVED: that the policy be noted and:-
1. that the policy be approved with the amendment to point 6 to include “requests received less than 8 weeks in advance may not be accepted”;
2. that final decisions on applications are delegated to the Town Clerk, Leader and Mayor;
3. that the Leader, Town Clerk and Office Manager would come up with a maximum number of lighting up opportunities and also an annual calendar;
4. that Cllr Gwatkin’s offer to fund the purchase of the lights be accepted – the condition being that the Corn Exchange be lit up annually for LibFest.
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