To receive a verbal update from the Chair and/or the Leader on the progress of this project.
The Committee received and considered a verbal update from the Leader on the community piano which had become damaged in transit and therefore not playable. The Office Manager had suggested that it could be turned into a planter instead and the original owner of the piano was very happy with this idea. The Operations and Estates Officer explained that the insides of the piano would need to be removed in order to do this. Members also acknowledged that a student from the college had won a competition to decorate the piano with his/her design and they should be asked if they would still like to do this.
RESOLVED: that the verbal update be noted and: -
1. that the piano is turned into a planter;
2. that the student who had been selected to decorate the piano incorporating the new Corn Exchange logo be contacted to ask if (s)he still wanted to do this;
3. that the Operations and Estates Officer be tasked with coming up with an estimated costs for this.