Agenda item

Lake and Country Park


This item was moved up the agenda sue to the Chair losing sound on her computer connection.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Compliance and Environment Officer. He explained that whilst the original idea had been to commission a management plan, he had spoken to Oxford City Council and now thought that a management Statement might be more appropriate and a good place to start. This could be something that a Park Ranger could work on in future.


A member referred to the Chair’s report and expressed concern that a management plan/statement should not be done until the Committee had more information about the funding that the Wychwood project would be applying for.


The Compliance and Environment Officer explained that he had met with the Chair a few days earlier and it has transpired that the funding had now been superceded by the pandemic.

The Chair re-joined the meeting. She felt that a management statement would be a good start and would help officers and members to know what was needed to maintain each area of the Lake and Country Park. She added that the grant that had been discussed with the Wychwood Project may be able to fund a project officer if successful. However, currently the grant funding was being diverted to Covid related projects.


Members also discussed the requirement for bank erosion work which the Compliance and Environment Officer and Operations and Estates Officer felt was urgent. It was agreed to seek quotes for this in order to budget for it in the budget setting process in November.