To receive and consider the report of the Office Manager containing the Youth Grant Award recommendations of the Stronger Communities Committee.
The Chair gave an update on the recommendations from the Stronger Communities Committee on the Youth Grant awards. She added that the grants could not be used for furlough and the money granted had to be used to actively support young people in the town.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and that the following recommendations of the Stronger Communities Committee be agreed:
1. that Junior Park Run be awarded the sum of £3,120;
2. that Home-Start Oxford be awarded the sum of £11,700;
3. that Got2B CIC be awarded the sum of £15,210;
And in addition:
4. that the shortfall of £30 be taken from the Town Council’s general fund;
5. that the above financial awards be made under the General Power of Competence.
Supporting documents: