To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council concerning Salt Bins in Witney for winter 2020/21. There is no budget set for salt bins so members are asked to consider any pressing location requests for the forthcoming winter.
Members received and considered correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council concerning ordering additional salt bins for the winter 2020/21. There were also requests from members of the public for salt bins at Burwell Drive and Dene Rise. A Councillor also asked if there was a salt bin on the Wood Green Hill as she felt it was very dangerous in icy weather. The Operations and Estates Officer replied that he thought there was one on Little Green but would check as it was not on the map sent by OCC. Members were cautioned that there was no budget for this so they may wish to make provision for this in the budget for the forthcoming year.
RECOMMENDED: that the report be noted and:
1. that salt bins are ordered for Burwell Drive and Dene Rise;
2. that salt bins are included in the budget for next year;
3. that Officers investigate whether there is a salt bin on Little Green.
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