To receive and consider the report of the Office Manager and agree whether to implement a policy whereby the Council commits to a calendar of scheduled community and national campaigns by lighting up one of its town centre public buildings – and if in agreement to consider setting a budget for the procurement of appropriate lights.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Office Manager as circulated with the agenda. The Chair gave some background to this item and the two national events already marked – Black Lives Matter and the NHS anniversary – which were achieved by the loan of lights from Ben Turner of Slideshow Productions. The Chair was keen to ensure this offer remained special and to compliment the Council’s flag flying protocols. She had received a request to mark the Baby Loss Awareness week in October and therefore considered this a good timescale for implementation – but acknowledged more research was required to ensure the Policy was right. The Town Clerk confirmed that she would contact other Town Councils in order to obtain example policies.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and:
1. that further research in to a policy for “lighting up” the interior of the Corn Exchange, marking community and national campaigns be undertaken, and report back to the next meeting of this Committee;
2. that the Council considers purchasing fixed colour changing led lights for the Corn Exchange windows, up to the value of £500 and that this be delegated to Cllr Ashbourne and the Office Manager.
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