To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk to amend the Council’s Bank Mandates with Barclays Bank PLC and the CCLA , agreeing the necessary authorised signatories accordingly.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk as circulated with the agenda which highlighted the fact that the bank mandates needed updating.
RECOMMENDED: that the report be noted and:-
1. that the Members of the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee be authorised signatories on Barclays Bank mandates and if necessary two be named to be able to act on behalf of the Council – in the absence of the Town Clerk, should the need arise;
[the current Members of the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee being: Cllrs Luci Ashbourne (Chair & Leader of the Council), Ruth Smith, Vicky Gwatkin, Owen Collins, Harry Eaglestone, Mel Jones, Joy Aitiman and David Harvey]
2. that Members of the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee be authorised signatories on the CCLA Accounts and that in particular two are named to act on behalf of the Council – in the absence of the Town Clerk, should the need arise;
3. that the named signatories are Cllrs Gwatkin, Aitman and Harvey;
4. that the Town Clerk is also listed on the bank mandate for the Barclays Bank General and Business Premium Account as being able to deal with transfers between accounts as well as setting up direct debits;
5. that the Office Manager is set-up to be able to cash cheques up to £500 at the local Barclays Bank branch to replenish the Council’s petty cash account;
6. the implementation of online banking with the Council’s current banking provider, Barclays Bank PLC, be agreed subject to the amendments to the Council’s Financial Regulations, which will be presented to the next meeting of this Committee.
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